AUT-123/21 A2-16-03 trabajo social

Code SIA : 3023185
Code GUC : 80921
Department: Conselleria de Hacienda, Economía y Administración Pública
Current stage: Adjudicación acto único telemático
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Basic information

Announcement: Job bank
Proof: Merit assessment (RESTRICTED access)
Titles: Several groups and degrees
Group: Several groups and degrees
Total number of places: 11



Description of places:

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Doubts about telematic processing

Doubts about telematic processing

Doubts about the procedure

Computer problems

Current stage:

Adjudicación acto único telemático



List of stages

Current stage: Adjudicación acto único telemático

Publication date: 14-01-2022

Adjudicación Provisional Acto Único Telemático

Publication date: 10-01-2022

Acto único telemático

Publication date: 27-12-2021

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Adjudicación acto único telemático