Segells d'òrgan - Sede electronica
Sellos de Organo
The Generalitat Valenciana authenticates its automated administrative action through electronic seals linked to its administrative bodies.
Automated administrative action is understood to be any act or action carried out entirely through electronic means by a Public Administration within the framework of an administrative procedure and in which a public employee has not directly intervened.
You can verify the validity of the certificates used within the scope of the Generalitat Valenciana, through the VALIDe platform offered by the Ministry of Finance and Public Function.
Below is the updated list of electronic stamps used by the Generalitat Valenciana for the identification and authentication in the exercise of its competence in automated administrative actions:
- Conselleria de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca
- Seal name: Conselleria de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca
- Titular organ: Conselleria de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca
- Certification service provider: Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- RESOLUCIÓN de 15 de diciembre de 2023, de la consellera de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca, por la que se crea el sello electrónico.
- RESOLUCIÓN de 5 de mayo de 2023, de la directora general de Política Agraria Común, por la que se determinan las actuaciones administrativas automatizadas de la aplicación para la gestión de actividades formativas que harán uso del sello electrónico de la Conselleria de Agricultura, Desarrollo rural, Emergencia Climática y Transición Ecológica.
- RESOLUCIÓN de 16 de marzo de 2024, del director general de Producción Agrícola y Ganadera, que determina las actuaciones administrativas automatizadas de la aplicación para la gestión de los certificados de calificación sanitaria.
- Serial number: 0df17f048507cc8fb69d3c4b28169046
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo
- Seal name: Conselleria Educació Universitats i Ocupació
- Titular organ: Conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo
- Certification service provider: Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 2c0c89dc2f7e4cd15e25b887dd1c2d00
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Conselleria de Educación Cultura y Deporte
- Seal name: Conselleria de Educación Cultura y Deporte GVA
- Titular organ: Conselleria de Educación Cultura y Deporte GVA
- Certification service provider: Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 78441d75345b74f0bf3fb1fcefe94b1a
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital
- Seal name: Sello Electrónico de la Consellería de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital
- Titular organ: Dirección General de Universidades de la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital
- Certification service provider: Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 7752a930722a542d04ab4a3ef28fe561
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Conselleria de Justicia, Interior y Administración Pública
- Seal name: Conselleria de Justicía, Interior y Administración Pública
- Titular organ: Conselleria de Justicía, Interior y Administración Pública
- Certification service provider: Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 11d046fde61b66a481bdfe6f5810e0e4
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Ministry of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality
- Seal name: Electronic seals of the Autonomous Secretariat for Participation and Transparency and of the Conflict of Interest Control Office
- Titular organ: Autonomous Secretariat of Participation and Transparency
- Certification service provider: Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 4d0fdd1ed4d43fae185d70a5d8452da4
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Ministry of Health
- Seal name: Electronic Seal for Automated Administrative Action EU Digital COVID Certificate
- Titular organ: Undersecretary of the Ministry with powers in matters of health and public health
- Certification service provider: EADTrust ECC 256 SubCA For Qualified Certificates 2019
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 17298a3ddcc9757f2a
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Seal name: Health Department Management Valencia La Fe
- Titular organ: Department of Health Valencia La Fe
- Certification service provider: Electronic Technology and Certification Agency, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 26a4954a57016f115b22062ed41080b4
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Seal name: La Pedrera Hospital electronic seal
- Titular organ: La Pedrera Hospital
- Certification service provider: Electronic Technology and Certification Agency, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 01db930d2df89a222e498ea88fa4fca7
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Seal name: Electronic seal of the Xàtiva-Ontinyent Health Department
- Titular organ: Management of the Health Department of Xàtiva-Ontinyent
- Certification service provider: Electronic Technology and Certification Agency, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 7140db50f466a96480658962fbcd7ef9
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Seal name: Electronic seal of the Orihuela Health Department
- Titular organ: Management of the Health Department of Orihuela
- Certification service provider: Electronic Technology and Certification Agency, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial Number: 55890c26aa8b32f584565b3d5eabde800f440feb
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Ministry of Housing and Bioclimatic Architecture
- Seal name: Electronic seal of automated administrative action of the Autonomous Registry of IEEV.CV
- Titular organ: General Directorate of Quality, Rehabilitation and Energy Efficiency
- Certification service provider: Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its area of competence:
- Serial number: 6a508601fec226966acc780e80ada3ce
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate