Application for the Rectification of a File on the Interest Groups Register (REGIA)

Code SIA : 2512996
Code GUC : 21992
Department: Presidencia de la Generalitat
Deadline for application: OPEN
  • Basic information

  • Request

  • Processing

  • Resolution

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Basic information

What is it and what is it for?

What is it and what is it for?

To enable the online submission of the documentation required to rectify registration applications or to correct any inaccuracies, errors or omissions detected in the file. Likewise, to allow the interested party to make representations or provide the documentation considered appropriate if the interested party considers that the required rectification is not appropriate. The information will be provided in response to a request for correction made by the body responsible for the Generalitat's Interest Group Register. Interest groups are legal persons, entities, organisations, platforms, networks and, in the cases provided for by law, natural persons who carry out lobbying activity

Who can apply?

Who can apply?

Interest groups or their representatives who have received a request for rectification with regard to their registration on the Interest Group Register.

Doubts about telematic processing

Doubts about telematic processing

Doubts about the procedure

Computer problems



The deadline will be indicated in the request for rectification sent by the body responsible for the Register



The processing and presentation of applications, together with the annexes and the corresponding documentation, must be carried out ONLY BY ELECTRONIC MEANS, using the electronic certificate of the interest group or of the person who holds legal representation. Under all circumstances, it must be the same certificate with which the registration in the Register as a lobbyist or as a representative was made. By clicking on the Authenticated Submission link, you will access the online procedure, which will allow you to attach the required documentation or any other documentation you deem appropriate, where applicable, and make the online submission, after which you will receive the corresponding registration receipt. The documents that must accompany the application form can be found in the online procedure itself and in the documentation section mentioned above. These documents must be signed with a digital certificate by the legal representative of the organisation and by the corresponding persons, or, if they are copies or scans of paper documents, they must remain at the disposal of the administration for possible verification.

Processing process

Processing process

Interest groups or their representatives must submit the application electronically, using the electronic certificate of the interest group or of whoever holds the legal representation of the interest group, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Public Administration Administrative Procedures. The rectification form must be completed by accessing the REGIA application (or through the corresponding link indicated in the following section), using the electronic certificate of the person or entity carrying out the procedure, attaching the required electronic documents (or any others that it is considered appropriate to attach) and finally registering the entry through the online register. The documentation will be incorporated into the open file.

Processing bodies

Processing bodies




The resolution does not put an end to the administrative process and an appeal may be lodged against it to the head of the Conselleria responsible for matters relating to interest groups, within a period of one month from the day following the notification of an explicit decision, or at any time from the day following that on which administrative silence takes effect, in accordance with Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on Common Public Administration Administrative Procedures

Resolution bodies

Resolution bodies


Appeal proceeding against the resolution

Appeal proceeding against the resolution


Exhausts administrative life

Exhausts administrative life
