Detall avisos - Sede electronica
General procedure text
Solicitud general única de iniciación y tramitación TELEMÁTICA de procedimientos - Trámite a utilizar EXCLUSIVAMENTE cuando no exista uno específico en la Sede electrónica de la Generalitat.
El trámite TELEMÁTICO de solicitud general única puede utilizarse por los interesados cuando, habiendo un modelo normalizado de solicitud para la presentación presencial, los interesados quieran o deban presentarla de manera electrónica (artículo 14 de la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre) y todavía no se haya habilitado un procedimiento electrónico específico para ello.
Si existe un procedimiento específico de presentación telemática deberá necesariamente utilizar esta vía para relacionarse con la administración.
Integració del mòdul de notificacios electròniques de la Generalitat amb el mòdul de registre en Blockchain
The Generalitat Valenciana has launched a register module that uses Blockchain, with the aim of incorporating technologies to help citizens improve the traceability and transparency of the transactions they carry out with the Generalitat’s Public Administration.
Blockchain provides security as it does not rely on a central organisation, but instead on a network of distributed nodes/servers (decentralised structure), and it uses an advanced form of encryption that ensures data integrity and transparency.
The Generalitat has deployed its Blockchain services through ISTEC (Infraestructures i Serveis de Telecomunicacions i Certificació), a member of BlockchainFUE, the first Valencian cooperative to offer a public network based on Blockchain technology.
As a pilot project, and to give visibility to the improvements brought about through the use of this new technology, the GVA’s Notifications Module has been integrated with this Blockchain register. This integration makes it possible to generate and record digital evidence of the different events and changes in status a notification goes through during its life cycle, offering transparency and ensuring its immutability and traceability from the moment the notification is created until it is issued or expires.
The Generalitat Valenciana uses its Notifications Module for all the notifications requiring acknowledgement (online or two-way) that it manages; this module generates and registers digital evidence when the following situations or changes occur in the life cycle of a notification:
Registration of the notification in the Generalitat notification module.
Made available on the DEHú (Single Enabled Electronic Address).
An email is sent to the interested party notifying them the notification is available.
Intervention of the interested party (either from the notification module itself, from the DEHú or by personal appearance).
Expiration of the notification, if an intervention does not occur.
For each of these pieces of digital evidence, the necessary information is registered to be able to transparently show the temporal situation of each notifications.
Users, accessing through their Citizen Folder or the Notifications Module, can view the traceability report from the notification feature and through this link:
This traceability report, which is intended for information purposes, contains the digital evidence record generated by the Blockchain registration module for each notification.
The specific information contained in the report is:
At the head:
The registration application, indicating the code that identifies the Generalitat’s Notifications Module and the register group, the latter being the unique identifier of the notification in the Module.
In the body of the report:
For each of the events produced:
a description of the change in the life cycle. This could be, for example: “Notification registration”, “Notification notice sent”, etc.
the date on which it occurred,
the date on which the event has been registered on the Blockchain,
the issue register number and date associated with the notification, in the example: “GVRTE/2021/999999999”,
and the digital evidence signature, which guarantees the immutability of the information collected in the Blockchain system.
Through these actions, the Generalitat Valenciana aims to progressively incorporate new technologies, such as Blockchain, in order to provide a higher level of transparency and security for citizens in all interactions carried out with the Generalitat Valenciana.
Pasarela Digital PD
The information below is part of the European Union's Your Europe program. Generalitat Valenciana participates in this program through the Single Digital Gateway, and makes available to citizens and companies the information, administrative procedures and assistance services they need to live or develop their business activity in another country of the European Union (EU).
Characteristics of the electronic headquarters
The electronic headquarters of the Generalitat has the following characteristics:
- Its scope includes the Administration of the Generalitat and is accessible to citizens permanently and free of charge.
- The electronic office identifies the Generalitat when it relates electronically to citizens and other Public Administrations.
Through this office all the actions, procedures and services that require the authentication of the citizens or the Administration of the Generalitat in their relations with them and with other Administrations by electronic means, as well as those other electronic services of which its inclusion is decided for reasons of effectiveness, efficiency and quality in the provision of public services. - The electronic office is owned by the Generalitat.
- Office management is carried out according to the following competences:
- Technological management: The management, administration and mofication of the electronic office of the Generalitat corresponds to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, General Directorate of Information and Communications Technologies that has assigned the horizontal powers of the Generalitat in the field of Electronic Administration.
- Content management: each Department or administration body of Generalitat manages the specific contents of its fields of competence. Each department will be responsible for the integrity, veracity and updating of information and services made public through the Internet.
- The electronic office of the Generalitat is accessible in Valencian and Spanish
- The access channels to the services available at the office are, in addition to the electronic, the following:
- Access through face-to-face care will be carried out in the PROP Public Service Offices, of the Generalitat, through the existing care systems in said offices.
- Access in the case of telephone attention will be made through the citizen assistance telephone number 012 or 963866000 (+ info).
Text general procedure DXP
General request for initiation and TELEMATIC processing of procedures - Procedures to be used EXCLUSIVELY when there is no specific one at the Generalitat's electronic headquarters.
These TELEMATIC procedures of general application can be used by the interested parties when, having a standard application form for the in-person presentation, the interested parties want or must submit it electronically (article 14 of Law 39/2015, of 1 of October) and a specific electronic procedure for this has not yet been enabled.
If there is a specific procedure for online filing, you should use this channel to interact with the administration.
Aviso acceso certificado
If you have not found the answer to your question, please send us your question regarding functional or technical aspects through the help form available at:
Parada programada martes 25/01/2022 de 16:00h a 19:00h
Por tareas de mantenimiento no estará disponible la Sede Electrónica de la Generalitat ni los servicios que ofrece, el martes 25/01/2022 de 16:00h a 19:00h. Disculpen las molestias.
Incidencia técnica 18/01/2022 entre las 12:30h y las 15:15h
El 18/01/2022, entre las 12:30h y las 15:15h se ha producido una incidencia técnica no planificada que ha impedido la presentación electrónica de solicitudes a través del registro electrónico general, el acceso a la carpeta ciudadana y a las notificaciones.
Texto superior formulario problemas técnicos
Please review the list of frequently asked questions beforehand
We remind you that you also have at your disposal a test procedure that will allow you to familiarize yourself with the procedure and check your equipment in advance
If your incident is related to access through a digital certificate, previously verify its validity through the page and attach a capture.
Contacta Generalitat en red
Your question or suggestion has been correctly sended. Thanks for your collaboration.
Sellos de Organo
The Generalitat Valenciana authenticates its automated administrative action through electronic seals linked to its administrative bodies.
Automated administrative action is understood to be any act or action carried out entirely through electronic means by a Public Administration within the framework of an administrative procedure and in which a public employee has not directly intervened.
You can verify the validity of the certificates used within the scope of the Generalitat Valenciana, through the VALIDe platform offered by the Ministry of Finance and Public Function.
Below is the updated list of electronic stamps used by the Generalitat Valenciana for the identification and authentication in the exercise of its competence in automated administrative actions:
- Conselleria de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca
- Seal name: Conselleria de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca
- Titular organ: Conselleria de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca
- Certification service provider: Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- RESOLUCIÓN de 15 de diciembre de 2023, de la consellera de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca, por la que se crea el sello electrónico.
- RESOLUCIÓN de 5 de mayo de 2023, de la directora general de Política Agraria Común, por la que se determinan las actuaciones administrativas automatizadas de la aplicación para la gestión de actividades formativas que harán uso del sello electrónico de la Conselleria de Agricultura, Desarrollo rural, Emergencia Climática y Transición Ecológica.
- RESOLUCIÓN de 16 de marzo de 2024, del director general de Producción Agrícola y Ganadera, que determina las actuaciones administrativas automatizadas de la aplicación para la gestión de los certificados de calificación sanitaria.
- Serial number: 0df17f048507cc8fb69d3c4b28169046
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo
- Seal name: Conselleria Educació Universitats i Ocupació
- Titular organ: Conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo
- Certification service provider: Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 2c0c89dc2f7e4cd15e25b887dd1c2d00
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Conselleria de Educación Cultura y Deporte
- Seal name: Conselleria de Educación Cultura y Deporte GVA
- Titular organ: Conselleria de Educación Cultura y Deporte GVA
- Certification service provider: Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 78441d75345b74f0bf3fb1fcefe94b1a
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital
- Seal name: Sello Electrónico de la Consellería de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital
- Titular organ: Dirección General de Universidades de la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital
- Certification service provider: Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 7752a930722a542d04ab4a3ef28fe561
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Conselleria de Justicia, Interior y Administración Pública
- Seal name: Conselleria de Justicía, Interior y Administración Pública
- Titular organ: Conselleria de Justicía, Interior y Administración Pública
- Certification service provider: Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 11d046fde61b66a481bdfe6f5810e0e4
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Ministry of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality
- Seal name: Electronic seals of the Autonomous Secretariat for Participation and Transparency and of the Conflict of Interest Control Office
- Titular organ: Autonomous Secretariat of Participation and Transparency
- Certification service provider: Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 4d0fdd1ed4d43fae185d70a5d8452da4
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Ministry of Health
- Seal name: Electronic Seal for Automated Administrative Action EU Digital COVID Certificate
- Titular organ: Undersecretary of the Ministry with powers in matters of health and public health
- Certification service provider: EADTrust ECC 256 SubCA For Qualified Certificates 2019
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 17298a3ddcc9757f2a
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Seal name: Health Department Management Valencia La Fe
- Titular organ: Department of Health Valencia La Fe
- Certification service provider: Electronic Technology and Certification Agency, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 26a4954a57016f115b22062ed41080b4
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Seal name: La Pedrera Hospital electronic seal
- Titular organ: La Pedrera Hospital
- Certification service provider: Electronic Technology and Certification Agency, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 01db930d2df89a222e498ea88fa4fca7
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Seal name: Electronic seal of the Xàtiva-Ontinyent Health Department
- Titular organ: Management of the Health Department of Xàtiva-Ontinyent
- Certification service provider: Electronic Technology and Certification Agency, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial number: 7140db50f466a96480658962fbcd7ef9
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Seal name: Electronic seal of the Orihuela Health Department
- Titular organ: Management of the Health Department of Orihuela
- Certification service provider: Electronic Technology and Certification Agency, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its field of competence:
- Serial Number: 55890c26aa8b32f584565b3d5eabde800f440feb
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
- Ministry of Housing and Bioclimatic Architecture
- Seal name: Electronic seal of automated administrative action of the Autonomous Registry of IEEV.CV
- Titular organ: General Directorate of Quality, Rehabilitation and Energy Efficiency
- Certification service provider: Certification Authority of the Valencian Community, ACCV
- Resolution of automated administrative actions in its area of competence:
- Serial number: 6a508601fec226966acc780e80ada3ce
- Public key of the electronic seal certificate
IT incidents
Queries regarding technical problems during the electronic processing process
Functional support
Queries regarding information on procedures.
Texto cartas de servicios
Las cartas de servicios son el instrumento a través del cual los órganos, organismos y entidades de la Generalitat informan a los ciudadanos y usuarios sobre los servicios que tienen encomendados, sobre los derechos que les asisten en relación con aquellos y sobre los compromisos de calidad en su prestación. El órgano responsable de la presente sede electrónica cuenta con la siguiente carta de servicios
Review the list of frequently asked questions to see if it can fix your problem. In case you still need help you can send your doubt filling out one of the following forms:
Miércoles, 18 de Noviembre, de 17:30 a 19:00 hores. Intervenciones técnicas en la plataforma de tramitación telemática y componentes relacionados
Miércoles, 18 de Noviembre, de 17:30 a 19:00 hores, realización de la actualización del sistema de tramitación telemática que producirá pérdida de servicio en la franja horaria indicada, por tanto se recomienda probar a partir de las 19:00 horas.
Disculpen las molestias
Scheduled maintenance intervention at the electronic office